Motion foams

Motion foams

The Motion category foams are applied in the transport sector, along with system solutions.

Current applications include agricultural, railway, and aviation industries. Laminated materials based on elastic foam will ideally fit into the interiors of any vehicle.

FireRetardant Collection
Antynea Form can present all foam lines under three collections
Antynea Form allows one to customize the foam according to specific requirements.
Decor line
Decor line
  • Specialized AEL
    AEL - Antynea Enlarged Load Bearing
  • polyurethane foams

Décor line is an array of various laminated materials that efficiently decorate vehicle interiors for their shape stability. Décor polyurethane foam is produced as roll foam which is further laminated. Décor line foams can be performed as part of FireRetardant Collection.

See specifications

Physical and mechanical properties of PU foams Motion

Decor line - specialized AEL polyurethane foams
Name Density, kg/m3,GOST 409 (ISO 845) Hardness 40%, kPa, GOST 26605 (ISO 3386) Elongation at break, %, not less, GOST 15873-2017 (ISO 1798) Ultimate tensile strength, kPa, not less, GOST 15873-2017 (ISO 1798) Compression set (50% compression, 72 ours at 23 °C), not more, GOST 29089 (ISO 1856 A)
AHL 26 70
100 120 6
AHL 30 80
120 150 4
AHL 35 70
120 150 3
AFR 25 35
100 100 5

Usage guidelines

Марка Акустика Элементы салона транспортных средств и прочей техники Внутренняя отделка транспортных средств, декор (выпускается в виде рулонов для дальнейшего ламинирования)
AHL 26 70

AHL 30 80

AHL 35 70

AFR 25 35

Interior line
Interior line
  • High-tech AST, AEL, & AHS
    AST - Antynea Standard, AEL - Antynea Enlarged Load Bearing & AHS brand soft foam
  • polyurethane foams

Foam boards and rolls within the Interior line are successfully implied as finishing materials used for vehicle interior: passenger compartments and cabins, rail transport, metro cabs, agricultural and forestry vehicles. Interior line foams can be performed as part of FireRetardant Collection.

See specifications

Physical and mechanical properties of PU foams Motion

Interior line - high-tech AST, AEL, & AHS polyurethane foams
Name Density, kg/m3,GOST 409 (ISO 845) Hardness 40%, kPa, GOST 26605 (ISO 3386) Elongation at break, %, not less, GOST 15873-2017 (ISO 1798) Ultimate tensile strength, kPa, not less, GOST 15873-2017 (ISO 1798) Compression set (50% compression, 72 ours at 23 °C), not more, GOST 29089 (ISO 1856 A)
AHS 35 35
100 100 3
AHS 43 42
200 100 2
AST 28 42
120 100 4
AEL 50 70
150 170 2
AFR 25 35
100 100 5
AFR 45 45
120 70 2

Usage guidelines

Марка Акустика Элементы салона транспортных средств и прочей техники Внутренняя отделка транспортных средств, декор (выпускается в виде рулонов для дальнейшего ламинирования)
AHS 35 35

AHS 43 42

AST 28 42

AEL 50 70

AFR 25 35

AFR 45 45

A specialized anti-compression additive from the world's leading manufacturer is a distinctive feature of the Flora Collection. Using sustainable raw materials of natural origin improves compression recovery rates, air permeability, reduces emission levels, and extends lifespan. The unique formula and advanced technological solutions enable foams within Flora Collection to maintain their linear dimensions and technical parameters and eliminate considerable deviations in compression set.
FireRetardant Collection
The collection of nonflammable foams is manufactured following the strict requirements GOST 25076-81 and the British standard BS 5852: 1982 Part II. Current applications of FireRetardant Collection foams include vehicle decoration, fire and smoke resistant sealing of connections between partition walls, floors, ceilings, and other applications where nonflammable characteristics are required.
The collection contains specialized low-emission antimicrobials or/and hypoallergenic treatments, where the former works against multiple microorganism types: bacteria (antibacterial), fungi (antifungal), protozoa (antiprotozoal), and viruses (antiviral). The latter reduces the effects of allergy triggers, including dust mites, mould, and bacteria. HypoallergenicCollection foams fight bacterial growth and achieve product life extension by eliminating degradation of the material. The collection is as well completely non-toxic, meaning that the end-users are enjoying a perfectly hygienic surface.
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